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Dental Implants: Empowering Confident Smiles

Have you a lost a tooth or maybe multiple teeth? The experience can be distressing in more ways than one. The discomfort of losing a tooth is often compounded by the stress of trying to find solutions. At Vista, we specialize in creating a clear path toward advanced care. Today, you have more options than ever when it comes to restoring your smile. We’re here to help you navigate the process in a comfortable oral care environment.

One popular solution for tooth loss is dental implants. Vista specializes in advanced oral therapies including the full suite of dental implant services. A new outlook and confident smile are on your horizon; set up a consultation at our practice today!

Dental Implants Explained

Dental implants are stable and lasting tooth replacements that mimic the look and function of a natural tooth. The procedure begins when a dental implant post is surgically secured to the jawbone. This post acts as the root of the tooth. Following the surgical implant, your surgical site needs time to recover and your jawbone needs time to bond or fuse with the dental post. The healing process usually takes a few weeks during which time a temporary crown can be installed.

After the healing period, our expert dentists attach a connector on the post before mounting the replacement tooth. Whether you’re missing a single tooth or many, we have dental implant options that can work for you.

Implant Procedures

Single-Tooth Replacement

This type of implant addresses a single missing tooth. In this procedure, our dental surgeon will place one implant into the space and bond a custom dental crown on top.

Multi-Tooth Replacement

In the case of multiple, consecutive missing teeth our dental surgeon will place dental implants into the void space and then attach a row of replacement teeth to the dental implants.

Implant-Supported Dentures

Even if you’re missing an entire arch of teeth, dental implants can work for you. No more insecure dentures. With implant supported dentures, our dental surgeon will place multiple implants that your dentures snap onto.

Frequently Asked Questions

Will Dental Implants Work for Me?

Your dental implant journey will begin with a thorough consultation with your dentist. Many patients are great candidates for implants, but some conditions are contraindicated with dental implants. It’s important to assess your oral health, overall health and medical history prior to the procedure. Candidates should have healthy jawbones (or be willing to undergo a bone graft), be a nonsmoker or willing to quit smoking, and have general good health. At Vista, you’ll experience compassionate care with a commitment to excellence. You can rest assured that we will work with you to identify the best solution for you.

Should I Get a Dental Implant or a Bridge?

Dental implants offer natural look feel and function in addition to longevity. Unlike bridges they don’t require the modification of nearby teeth. However dental bridges are a less invasive treatment option than dental implants. We operate beyond the boundaries of confusing oral healthcare so no matter what course you take, you can rest assured you’ll get the best care for you.

How Long Does It Take to Recover from a Dental Implant Replacement?

Most patients need a few weeks to recover from dental implant placement. The recovery period allows osseointegration to occur, a process in which the jawbone fuses to the implant. We can place a temporary crown to complete your smile during the recovery period but we recommend being very gentle with your teeth and gums while you recover. Please keep in mind that your implant procedure included a tooth extraction you will need additional recovery time as part of your treatment plan.

Restoring Your Beautiful Smile: Advantages of Tooth Implants

Dental implants offer a plethora of advantages and health benefits. At Vista, you’ll receive exceptional care and beautiful results with your dental implants including:

  • Natural Look & Feel — Dental implants are designed to mimic the look, feel, and function of natural teeth. In fact, most people have difficulty identifying which tooth is an implant and it’s likely you won’t notice the difference either!
  • Permanent Placement — Dental implants are fixed in place. You’ll never worry about them slipping or falling out and the only care they require is regular oral hygiene.
  • Durability — If you care for your dental implants with proper oral hygiene, your dental implants could last a lifetime!
  • Long-Term Health Benefits — Dental implants prevent your other teeth from shifting and upsetting teeth alignment. In addition, they stimulate the jawbone just like natural teeth preventing bone loss that can otherwise come with tooth loss.

Let’s restore your beautiful smile.