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Summer is the Time for Widsom Tooth Removal

Summer is here, and while you might be dreaming of beach trips and barbecues, it’s also the perfect time to take care of some essential health tasks. One of those tasks might be wisdom tooth removal. At Vista, our teams are ready to explain why summer is the ideal season…

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woman flossing her teeth

Avoiding Root Canals: Expert Prevention Tips

Happy Root Canal Awareness Week! While it might not sound like the most festive occasion, it’s a great time to chat about keeping those root canals at bay. We at Vista are all about helping you dodge the need for this common but significant dental procedure. So, let’s dive into…

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woman relaxing on couch

Tooth Extraction Aftercare

After a tooth extraction, proper aftercare is crucial for a smooth recovery. It’s important to follow your dentist’s post-operative instructions closely. Take any prescribed medications as instructed and finish the full course of antibiotics if advised. Bite down on gauze for the recommended time to control bleeding and aid in…

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man sleeping with his mouth open

What is Oral Appliance Therapy for Sleep Apnea?

Do you have trouble sleeping through the night? Are you tired of spending your days in a fog of exhaustion? It may be time to ask your dentist about how an oral appliance can address your sleep apnea! Did you know that oral appliance therapy for sleep apnea is an…

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man smiling that is missing a tooth

Why Replacing Missing Teeth is Important

According to the CDC, around a quarter of adults aged 65 and older have 8 or fewer teeth left. Unfortunately, there are possible health consequences of not replacing missing teeth. What Happens When You’re Missing Teeth? If you lose an adult tooth, the teeth you have left can start to…

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doctor performing oral surgery on patient

How to Prepare for Your Oral Surgery

We understand that an upcoming oral surgery procedure can feel nerve-wracking, whether you are getting your wisdom teeth removed or if you’re investing in a durable tooth replacement for a missing tooth. Taking certain steps before your treatment to prepare can help ease your nerves and make the overall experience…

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woman meditating

What to Do If You Have Dental Anxiety

Does the thought of stepping into a dentist’s office send shivers down your spine? While many patients feel silly admitting that they’re scared of visiting the dentist, medical and dental-related anxiety is actually incredibly common! Our team is here to help guide you through every step of your treatment process…

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X-Ray of wisdom teeth

How to Prepare for Wisdom Teeth Removal

Whether you are having a single wisdom tooth removed or you have four impacted wisdom teeth that need to go, we understand that any kind of oral surgery can be anxiety-inducing. Luckily, our Spring Lake dental team is here to help your treatment be as easy, streamlined, and stress-free as…

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woman holding her mouth in pain

When to Get Your Wisdom Teeth Extracted

Wisdom teeth, also known as third molars, are the last teeth to erupt in the mouth. Patients typically have 1-4 of these late-blooming teeth. For many patients, wisdom teeth grow incorrectly and end up impacted in the jawbone. If the mouth isn’t large enough for wisdom teeth to grow in…

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dentist showing patient what dental implants look like

How Do Dental Implants Work?

Everyday activities like speaking, smiling, and eating are much more enjoyable with all your teeth. But as tough as teeth are, they can still be damaged or lost due to trauma or decay. If you’re missing any teeth, you should consider dental implants! What Is a Dental Implant? Dental implants…

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